Dream before your vaccine: How Sleep Affects the Power of Vaccinations

We all know sleep is important. And we all know how bad we feel after a night of shoddy sleep. After all, lack of sleep is associated with a number of horrible consequences like decreased productivity and concentration, and even things like stroke, diabetes, and heart disease. Still, we might be underestimating the dangers of […]

Veterans and Sleep Apnea: What You Should Know

Getting enough sleep is vital for overall well being, and it’s especially crucial for military veterans. While we may not have all the answers about why, there’s a clear connection between veterans and sleep disorders—especially when it comes to conditions like sleep apnea. What is Sleep Apnea? Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a common but very […]

Why Does Sleep Apnea Cause Weight Gain?

Why does sleep apnea cause weight gain? Research has consistently revealed that getting less than 7 hours of sleep per night is linked to weight gain and the onset of obesity. It’s no surprise that sleep apnea, a condition known to disrupt the quantity and quality of sleep, can also be a contributing factor to […]

Obstructive Sleep Apnea During Pregnancy – What You Need to Know

It is well known that sleep and pregnancy don’t have the best relationship: most pregnant women report at least some disturbances regarding their sleep. For example, women tend to get more sleep during the first trimester but tend to experience a significant decrease in sleep in the second and third trimesters. It has also been reported […]

Breathing Easy with Inspire: Your Guide to Sleep Apnea Surgery

Are you tired of struggling with obstructive sleep apnea? Does the thought of wearing a CPAP machine to bed make you uneasy? If you’re looking for an alternative solution that can help you sleep peacefully and breathe normally, then Inspire surgery might just be the answer you’ve been seeking. In this blog post, we’ll break […]

The Dangers of Untreated Sleep Apnea

It is estimated that over 20 million Americans suffer from Sleep Apnea, a sleep disorder where you repeatedly stop breathing throughout the night. When your brain senses that you have stopped breathing, it then triggers you to wake up. A person with Sleep Apnea can wake up anywhere from 5 to over 100 times per hour […]

How to Stop Snoring- 16 Ways to Stop Snoring for Good

According to some statistics, around 45% of people are occasional snorers, and around 25% snore on a regular basis. If you’re reading this, I’d guess that either you or a loved one falls into one of these categories. You are probably here to fix that. So let’s get into the remedies. For more general information […]

Can Children Have Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)?

Yes, they can. It is commonly called pediatric obstructive sleep apnea (pediatric OSA), and it is estimated that between 1% and 5% of young children have it. Most of these children are between the ages of two and eight, but OSA can occur at ANY age. Up to 25% of children with pediatric OSA have reduced concentration, hyperactivity, or irritability; symptoms […]

Excessive Daytime Sleepiness Treatment – The Sleep Apnea Patient

One of the most pernicious symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea is Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS), also known as hypersomnolence. EDS is characterized by exactly what it sounds like: excessive sleepiness. We all feel tired at times, but around 20% of the population can be identified as actually having EDS. So, what exactly is it? EDS […]

What Is Sleep Apnea and Do I Have It?

What is Sleep Apnea? Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that affects over 25 million people in America alone and almost a billion people worldwide. It occurs in all sexes and all age groups, and it commonly goes undiagnosed. In fact, more than 80% of patients with sleep apnea don’t even know they have it. […]